e-mail: metpolsj@metpolsj.pl

44-189 Wilcza k/Knurowa, ul. Karola Miarki 11                                                                                        tel./fax: +48/32/239 74 78


| smooth roller | smooth girland roller | supporting roller |
| disc roller | ring roller | directional roller |

     Disc roller    

diameter thickness
disc (ring) tube
89 51 3,2
108 63,5 3,2
133 70 3,2
76 3,2
159 70 6,3
190 108 4,0
215 133 4,0




Disc rollers of diameters: Ø 108; 133; 159; 190; 215 with length to 2000 mm on the shaft as following: Ø 20; 25; 30; 35; 40.

6204 C3; 6205 C3; 6305 C3; 6206 C3; 
6307 C3; 6308 C3 bearings applied.

marking of roller:
disc/ØD/ØD1/Ød-II-type of bearing/L/L1/L2-S