e-mail: metpolsj@metpolsj.pl

44-189 Wilcza k/Knurowa, ul. Karola Miarki 11                                                                   tel./fax: +48/32/239 74 78


| smooth roller | smooth girland roller | supporting roller |
| disc roller | ring roller | directional roller |

The rollers have been produced by METPOL Company comply 
the requirements of the Polish Standard 
PN-ISO 1537,  PN-ISO 1537/AK: 1997,  PN-90/M-46601.


Technical description:

1. tube
2. shaft
3. bearing holders
4. bearings
5. sealing elements
6. settling rings


The types of applied seals in rollers

  the labirynth seal - Type S

the labirynth seal 
(with thrower) - Type E
the labirynth seal - Type F


Types of shafts


Ø d N S K R B P U M
12 9 9 - - - 15 M 8 M 10
15 9 12 - - - 20 M 10 M 12
20 9 (15) * 14 (15) 19 (20) 8 (6) 8 20 M 12 M12
25 12 (20; 22) ** 18 33 (25) 10 (8,5) 12 (10) 20 M 16 M 16
30 12 (20) *** 22 33 (31) 14 (10,5) 12 (13) 25 M 20 M 20



*** for L 750 - N = 15
*** for L 750 i Ø 159 - N = 20; L 750 i Ø 108; Ø 133 - N = 22
*** for L 750 - N = 20


When rollers are ordered introduce 
the following:

smooth roller 159/30 - II - 6206-700/708/732-22
   1. marking according to the catalogue; type of sealing - "E"
   2. additional information: type of the roller's shaft end - "A"
          - type of sealing; with primer painting
          - type of the roller's shaft end;
          - type of the roller's tube protection:
                 * primary or powder painting;
                 * no painting;
                 * zinc coat;
                 * rubber or polyurethane coat;
          - roller's conditions of working;
          - other demands;